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Advertising Globes (non-petroleum)
Acme Aero Aetna Allied
American Branded Companies
APCO, Andy Dandy, Aro, Arro
Atlantic Globes
Aurora Speedway, Badger, Barber Meteeor
Ben Franklin, Betholine, Big West, British American
Canadian, Carter, Cavalier, Champlin, Chippewa
Cities Service Globes
Citizens, Clack, Clark, Cliff Brice, Clipper
Coop Globes
Coastal, Colonial Companies, Conoco
Coronado, Cosden, Covey Mobile, Crow Flight, Crown
Crystal Flash, Cushing, Dance, Deep Rock
Drakes, DX, East Texas, ELRECO, Esta
Falcon, Ford, Foster, Freedom, Frontenac, Frontier
Fyre Drop, General, Gilmore, Great Western
Gulf, Gulf Coast, Hanley, Hendrix, Hicks
Home, Hood, Hornet, Hudson, Humble
Husky, Hustol, Ideal, Illinois, Imperial
Imperial Ltd, Independent Companies
Indian, Interstate, Irving JD Streett, Jenny
Johnson, KanOtex, Kendall, Knight
Laureleaf, Liberty, Lion, Loreco
Magnolia, Marathon, Marine, Marland, Martin
McColl Frontenac, Metro, Michigan Pride, Midwest
Milton Dixcel, Mobil Globes
Mohawk, Muskegon, Mutual, Naph Sol, National White Rose
National Petro, Newport, North Star, Northwest Grizzly
Oil Creek, Old Dutch, Oriental, Oskey North Star, Pacific State
Pan-Am, Panhandle, Paraland, Parco
Payless, Penco, Penn. Bruin, Pennoil, Penreco
Pepper, Petro Atlas Elreco, Phillips 66
Pierce Pennant, Pioneer, Platolene, Polly, Popular
Prarie Cities, Premier, Pride, Pure
Road King, Rock Island, Rocket, Royal, Sanford,
Save More, Saveway, Savex, Sea Way
Seaside, Seneca Chief, Shamrock
Shell, Shreveport, Signal, Simms
Simpsons, Sinclair Globes
Sioux, Sipo, Site, Sky Trak, SmithOlene, Socony
Sohio, Southeastern, Southern
Sovereign, Speed Wing, Speedway, Spunkey, Spur
Stahl, Stanley, Standard of Indiana
Standard of Kentucky
Standard of New Jersey
Standard of California
Stones, Sunland, Sunoco, Sunset
Super Chief, T&T, Taxman, Texaco
Texas, TP, Texas Rose, Thoni, Tidioute
Tidewater Associated Tydol Flying A, Tidex
Tioga, Tiwoser, Tower, Travelon, Travis
Tressler, Tri-State, Triangle, Tulsa
Union Texas, United, Universal, Utoco
ValU, Valvoline, Veltex, Vickers, Victoria
Volunteer, Wadhams, Wareco, Warner Quinlan
Wasatch, Wavaho, Welco, Western States Beeline
White Eagle, White Star, Wilcox, Wilshire, Wolfs Head, Yale
(in the process of rebuilding the albums in a new format)